~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Kids~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thursday, September 20, 2012

But I didn't

No I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth, just busy I guess.  Today we had a little funny I could share quickly though.

Sadie got mad at Evelyn and hit her with a toy. Evelyn retaliated and hit Sadie on the head.

I said, "Evelyn, don't hit. Sadie doesn't know better and we need to teach her. If she hits you, don't hit her back."  Evelyn replied, "But I didn't hit her back."  I saw it with my own eyes so I knew this wasn't true.

After a quick conversation I realized that Evelyn was saying she didn't hit Sadie on her back!  It's fun to talk to a 4 year old. :)

Have a blessed day! ~Tammy

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